Saturday, September 29, 2012

Loaded Carries

From time to time I like to highlight certain exercises that produce great results and keep the workout regimen fun and interesting. For this post we’ll take a look at the loaded carry.
Loaded carries are exercises that I would classify as total body (when using a movement based approach) because the whole body is essentially worked at once. I like using exercises that force the body to work as a unit and loaded carries definitely fits this criteria. From a training standpoint, one big advantage of the loaded carry is that they’re relatively simple to do. In a nutshell, pick up something heavy and walk with it. Most people can do this with very minimal coaching making carries a great option even for beginners.
When it comes to the specifics of these exercises there aren’t a ton of things to deal with. The main focus should be on posture, keeping the torso upright and the scapulae down and back preventing the shoulders from rounding forward. The implement doesn’t really matter as long as it’s heavy enough to produce the training effect we’re after. One could use dumbbells, kettlebells, farmer walkimplements, yokes, sandbags, plate weight, weighted buckets, etc. There are also a bunch of different carry options such as the farmer’s carry, suitcase carry, waiter walk, super yoke, uneven carry, etc. 

     Farmer's Carry (suitcase carry would be the same but using just a single dumbbell)

Sandbag Carry (offset)

Yoke Carry

No equipment, no problem... as long as you have a friend

The beauty of these exercises is the amount of the body that gets worked. Since the weight is generally in the hands or being secured with the hands the arms and shoulders are always working to stabilize the load. Anytime we carry a significant load there is going to be compressive force placed on the spine, which will recruit the core musculature in a big way. Lastly, because these exercises are generally done for distance the hips and legs work to provide the locomotion. And don't discount the cardiovascular effect of these exercises because it can be pretty taxing especially if you're using a stair case as your runway.
Great exercises, easy to coach and easy to do.


Functional benefit? Can you get it all in one trip? If not, start practicing.


1 comment:

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